

Structure and Summary of the Morning Registration Programme


Learning Goals Students review Learning Goals from the previous week and set Goals for the week in their planners.  Quiet reading should also take place if time allows.
Cultural Capital Quiz Students will be asked to answer the week’s questions. The quiz can be done as a group or in pairs. Students will be expected to reflect on their answers and what they need to do to prepare for the following week’s quiz.
World News

World News Day – A clip will be placed on staff shared area which Form Tutors can play by simply clicking on the file. Alongside, a reflection question will be provided which can be used to instigate discussions. Students can lead this discussion/presentation.

Quiet reading should also take place if time allows.

Planners & Uniform Checks

Form Tutors should use this opportunity to check planners and uniform of each student. Form Tutors should check that learners have used planners to record attendance, review and set new goals and record homework from each subject.  All concerns with uniform and planners should be addressed and reported to the Pastoral Leader.

Quiet reading should also take place whilst planners are being checked by the Form Tutor.

Star Diploma Students will reflect on opportunities they have had over the last week and will have over the upcoming week, to gain credit towards the Star Diploma.
Drop Everything and Read This will be a combination of group reading where the form tutor will read aloud and the group will follow and individual quiet reading.

Themes of the Week